
Géraldine Fauville has been awarded the 2018 Eva Selin Lingrens memorial fund.


Géraldine Fauville has dedicated her research to the field of marine environmental education. She has the ambition to contribute to increased public awareness about how climate change and human activities negatively impact the ocean. She is now awarded the 2018 scholarship from Eva Selin Lindgren's Memorial Fund. The award is a recognision of the importance of her work for our society.

Géraldine Fauville is a researcher at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, and has been working with researchers at Stanford University for ten years to develop digital learning technologies for marine education at high school level. She defended her dissertation in January 2018 with the dissertation “Digital Technologies as support for learning about the marine environment: Steps towards ocean literacy”, under the guidance of Annika Lantz-Andersson and Roger Säljö. She will be soon moving to the United States to begin a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University (funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

- Géraldine Fauville is awarded the scholarship from Eva Selin Lindgren's Memorial Fund because she is a young and promising researcher in a new and exciting multidisciplinary research field, where she has contributed to building international and interdisciplinary research and policy cooperation on marine education issues, says Maria Svane, GMV's representative in the Scholarship Board for Scholarship Fund, to Eva Selin Lindgren's memorial fund.